"Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today."
- Malcolm X 

On Wednesday, 29th July, 2020, the Union Cabinet cleared a new National Educational Policy (NEP) proposing massive changes in school and higher education levels. 

Some key takeaways are :-

  • The 10 + 2 board structure is dropped and the new school structure will be 5+3+3+4. Upto 5, pre school, 6 to 8 middle school, 8 to 11 high school & 12 onwards graduation.
  • Every child to learn at least one vocation and exposed to several more. This will be introduced during grades 6-8. A 10- day bagless period sometime during Grades 6-8 to intern with local vocational experts.
  • Students will be given increased flexibility and choices of subjects to study, particularly in secondary school.
  • There will be no hard separation among ' curricular' , ' extracurricular' , or ' co-curricular' , among 'arts' , ' humanities' , and ' sciences'.
  • In order to reduce the importance and stress of board exam, exam will be conducted in two parts: Objective and descriptive. Exam can be conducted twice a year.
  • The undergraduate degree courses will be of wither 3 or 4 year duration, with multiple exit options. A certificate course after completing 1 year in a discipline or field, including vocational and professional areas, or a diploma after 2 years of study, or a Bachelor's degree after a 3 year programme. The 4 year multidisciplinary Bachelor's programme, however shall be the preferred option.
  • All graduation courses will have a major and a minor. The major and minor can be related or unrelated depending completely on the student. Example - science student can have Physics as major and Music as minor.
  • All higher education will be governed by the same authority and the grading and all other rules will be same for every University.
  • Students will get 360 degree holistic report card, which will not only inform about the marks obtained by them in subjects, but also their skills and other important points.
  • New Teacher Training board will be setup of all kinds of teacher in country, no state can change.
(For the complete report visit this website : )
So basically the whole system will be student oriented and the student will have complete authority to choose what he wants to do. The structure is moving away from judging a student on basis of marks and moving towards judging a student based on their knowledge.

Basically our education system is moving towards being an 'EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM' rather than being the partial body it is known to be.

Will these changes be implemented at the 'Ground level'?
Such huge changes that too after 30 years of rote education. Is India ready to accept this huge change at once?
Will these changes actually improve the quality of education that is provided by government or people will resort to private institutions for 'Quality Education?'
I personally think these changes were essential, however late they were implemented and now the educational system of India will begin to take the shape of what we have always imagined it to be.

What is your take on the changes?



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