The present India

A country where culture unwraps itself in the best possible way.
A country which is proud of it's rich and varied heritage.

But things have not been good for India recently and maybe one of the major reasons for this is the Indian youth and young adults.
Youth is the period between childhood and adult age. During this phase of the life, a human body goes through many changes developing desires, habits and etc etc.
Youth in collective has lot of power. Not only do they have sense of reasoning but also the audacity to ask for answers.
The youth of the country can be a key measure to the country's success but Indian youth have been distracted by various outside factors. The known future of the country are attracted to artificiality rather than realism.
The youth of India indulges itself in gadgets, apps, games, materialism rather than indulging itself in relationships, knowledge, art.

According to the data produced by the Global Business Coalition for Education (GBC-Education), the Education Commission, and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), approximately 54% of South Asian youth that leave school will lack the necessary skills to find a decent job by 2030. The data also said that more than 50% of Indian youth are not on track to have the education and skills necessary for employment by 2030.

This is worrying but the Indian media will not give importance to these real problems, rather they make everything about politics and will conduct debates with uneducated ministers who scream like dogs on TV sitting in their windows trying to establish their presence.
Being one of the youth, I cannot advise anyone to change themselves but can only tell them prioritize their goals in life and work towards achieving them.



  1. Legit points. I just feel that young generation is not as enthusiastic as it should be and one of the reasons for this is social media(as you correctly mentioned). This generation is so much driven by what these lifestyle influencers show, they have made perfect look normal which is so not true because life is not as perfect as it seems on social media.

    1. So very true, Thank You for your honest opinion.
      Hope you liked it enough to read the second one!!

  2. Witnessing a youth acknowledge the real problems with this generation seemed unprecedented until this blog of yours. Keep it up pensive child!! Bring more areas of concern into notice 👍

    1. So very happy you liked it. Will try to write more!!

  3. I am happy that little boy has become so mature who can witness such problems


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