"Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results"
     - Willie Nelson

I know with all these disruptions around the world, it is hard to stay positive and focused on your  everyday goal but not impossible. I hope this blog takes your mind off from the all the negativity around you and makes it easier for you to find positivity in yourself. 

In order to stay positive and focused you need to control your mind and one of the best ways to control your mind is through meditation or yoga. During these testing times, one of the major drawbacks of our mind is overthinking and it causes anxiety, stress & loss of attention. Meditation is scientifically proven to help control these things and even fight addictions. Meditation is easy to perform and the only requirement is your mental presence. If you want to follow a routine Meditation process, this is the link for a 20 day meditation challenge conducted by the world famous motivational speaker Jay Shetty.

 Another thing which has personally helped me many times to alter my mood is music.
People underestimate the power of music and do not realize the part it plays in their life.
It is a scientific fact that music can change your frame of mind and people have put it to practice around the world. With the right music, you can feel motivated, happy, joyous and even sad. Nature's melody is the best medium for relaxation. The different whether conditions, insects, water and air offer us varied sounds for calmness and it's highly productive.

Another way to keep your mind calm is by limiting your intake. The amount of news that you watch or read affects your mentality because now a days the news has nothing positive to air. Limiting your activeness on social media and even taking a break from it might help. This will give you more time to focus and think about the things that actually affect your life. Following your timetable actively will resort to optimism in yourself and will make you more confident.

The most prominent scheme to destroy negative energy around you is laughter. Laughter indeed is the best medicine and has proven to work where people have lost hope over artificial medicines. Happiness can be found in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light. One can find funny videos all over Internet that too of different types. Find your type, resort to it and keep laughing. Every time bad mood strikes you, reply it with a funny video.

Practicing random act of kindness can also help you find the positivity you are missing.
Showing people that they matter in your life may mean a lot to them and might even be enough to get them over the line. Think that someone's had a rough day at work and they call you just to share that they are low. Listening to their problems will show them that you care about them and maybe that gives them enough motive to go back to work the next day. 

It all depends on you. You can find your motivation from the tiniest object with the right attitude.
This world will function as it is and we can barely do anything to change it.
In the end as Ellen deGeneres said through the character of Dory," JUST KEEP SWIMMING."





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